Bonhoeffer film at JW3 Jewish Community Centre

Bonhoeffer 12A
is showing at
 JW3 Jewish Community Centre 
 341-351 Finchley Rd NW3 6ET 
Sun. 16th - Thurs. 27th March:
Sun. 16th at 2.10pm;  
Tues. 18th at 4.40pm;
then daily matinees from Sun. 23rd to Thurs. 27th March
  *** Tickets are from just £8 ***   
For details, trailer and to book go to:
"An inspiring, faith-filled story...Bonhoeffer's courage remains as provocative and powerful as ever"
             - Nathanael Smith,
               Premier Christianity magazine
"Some of the words spoken in the film have such an unnerving and uncomfortable contemporary relevance that I hear gasps in the cinema.  'Bonhoeffer' speaks with extraordinary clarity to a time when an ugly nationalism seems once more to be on the rise across the world"
              - J. John
A helpful article on the film by Dr Krish Kandiah can be found here:
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